Super-Growth Effervescent and Oil Formula
Let’s get serious, there’s absolutely nothing in the world that’s “good” about being short. The prices aren’t any lower in the kid’s department, and the selection of clothing is decidedly smaller, unless you’re into wearing cartoon characters and primary colors. While I’d be the first to admit that yes, those people certainly exist, I’m most decidedly not one of them. Trying to buy a sexy dress when you have to shop in the pre-teen section just makes you feel a bit like you’re trying to feed into some Lolita lovers dream. Not a good time, I tell you.
I’ve tried to deal with it, I’ve even occasionally gone out a few hundred dollars to have myself tailor made dresses made so I can feel like a short adult rather than a tall pre-teen. In the end though, it really just wasn’t enough to make a difference in my day to day life, and I couldn’t support that standard of living anyway. So finally, I started getting desperate. There’s a million treatments out there that claim they’re going to help you grow, that will help you expand out of the shrimp realm, and I’ve tried most of them.
In fact, before I got my hands on Super Growth I’d almost given up on them all, the powders, the drinks, the exercise regimens. Do you have any idea how many hours I’ve spent hanging upside down in devices that claimed they’d increase my height while looking like medieval torture devices? Too many, that’s all I’m going to say. Thankfully as soon as Super Growth came into my life, I finally started to believe that maybe there was some hope after all.
Super Growth Gave Me A New Perspective
A new perspective starting from 4” higher than where I started. 4” may not sound like much to some, but it’s worth noting that 4” is 5% of the height of a 6 foot man. 5% is a lot, and it’s definitely the difference between shopping in the children’s section and shopping for clothing in small sizes. I couldn’t believe it when it first started setting in, and let me tell you I noticed. I didn’t know what I was feeling, it was the kind of thing that happened in childhood and we utterly forgot about it. I had strange aches and pains show up in my bones, and I had a little love affair with my hot tub as a result.
It wasn’t until I got measured at my next doctor’s visit that it hit me. I’d grown an inch. I was getting growing pains. GROWING PAINS. I hadn’t experienced them since I was a child, and while they were unpleasant then, they were one of the best feelings I’d ever experienced now. I watched eagerly once I realized it, continuing to take Super Growth and eagerly awaiting the results.
The Changes Weren’t Just Physical
Sure, for me personally it was nothing but height… at least that’s what I thought. I began to notice that my relationships with others were being affected as I began experiencing my new height. There were friends I no longer had to look up to to see their face, and there were some of my short friends who had to crane their neck just slightly to look in mine. I was surprised to find that people were treating me with a new kind of respect, and I wasn’t getting QUITE as many ‘are you 12’ comments when I went out on the town. Heck, I wasn’t even given the kids menu when I went to a new restaurant. It’s all a little exciting to finally be treated like the adult I’ve been for all these years!
I don’t know, exactly, what’s actually in this fantastic little container, but I know that I’ll be taking it for as long as I can to eek every last inch of growth I can get out of it. Seriously, if you’ve ever had a problem with being short, with feeling inadequate due to your height, or just get tired of having to need a step-stool to get on the stools at your local bar, you want to try out Super Growth.
Now I’m On Top Of The World
Ok, maybe not quite on top of the world, 5’6” isn’t really a towering height, but let me tell you that when you compare it to life at 5’2”, it feels like a whole new world. The only drawback? I had to replace my entire wardrobe, there wasn’t a thing that fit me before I started that fits me now. Believe me when I say this was a consequence I could deal with for an extra 4” of height.
Super Growth changed my life, from my social life to my work, it’s touched on everything. A few extra inches of height commands a bit more respect, it changes how people see you all the way around. I draw eyes at the gym now, and the last time I went in to ask my boss for a raise, I got it. Think those 4” didn’t make a difference? It was my fourth time asking after multiple perfect reviews, and I was utterly dismissed each time previously, this time? “Yes Ma’am, Right away Ma’am, Two Dollars an Hour Ma’am.”
Utterly fantastic.
So if you’re tired of being short, if you want a life from a slightly higher perspective, then give Super Growth a shot. I certainly haven’t been disappointed, and it’s now part of my daily regimen.
Bro is it for real bcoz don’t fool short people. Plz .
Yes bro, it is real. No worries. Just go after your dreams.