Stretch It – Feed It – Rest It: Growing Tall After Puberty

Having a tall height has a lot of advantages; from personal to professional matters. As much as we hate to admit it, taller people have a wider array of options compared to short ones. The former can catch more attention and land more jobs compared to the latter. Yes, it’s true; although it’s not always the case. Do you wish you were a little taller? Most likely, the answer is yes. That’s why you’re reading this article. And hey, did you know that growing tall isn’t exclusive to children and teenagers? Again, this one’s true. Read on and discover one great misconception about growth.

Yes, There is Still Hope!

During puberty, growth hormones stimulate the growth plates located at the end of the bones; hence the rapid increase in height. But then, such growth plates fuse into the bones after puberty, causing their growth to stop. Nothing can make them grow again; take note of that. That’s why a lot of people believe that growing stops as we age.

But here’s the thing: the cartilage is capable of expansion and growth even in older people. So, yes, there is still hope!

How do You Grow More Inches?

The truth is we don’t just grow tall. There are certain things that we can do; there are certain efforts that we can make to increase height. They are as follows:

1. Stretching

Here are the different types of stretching exercise that can help you grow taller:

• Cobra Stretch

This is a type of yoga exercise that helps in growing the cartilages located between the vertebrae. It likewise makes the spine more flexible. To do this, you should lie upside down and put your palms on the ground. Then, uplift your body from the knees until an arch is formed. You need to form a curve-like structure with your body like the one formed by snakes. Do this three to four times a day.

• Ankle Weight Exercise

This exercise helps increase the height of the lower body, for it elongates the cartilages in knees. To do this, you need to sit straight on a chair, place weights on your ankles, and stretch your feet over the floor. It is advisable to do this exercise three to four times a week.

• Vertical Hanging

You would need a solid metal bar to do this spine-elongating exercise. Hold the bar with both hands and let your body hang loosely. You may swing back and forth if you want. This is especially effective if done three to four times a week.

2. Proper Diet

Exercise is indeed effective, but it’s not enough. Your body needs to have all the nutrients that it needs in right amounts. For this, you should make it a point to eat a balanced diet.

3. Enough sleep

No, this is not limited to babies and children. Having eight hours of sleep helps adults grow taller, too! So, dear, you better spend some quality time in the dream land if you still want to grow a little taller.

You have just learned that growing tall is still possible even after puberty. However, you have also discovered that growing in your twenties doesn’t happen on its own. You have to make some major efforts like doing various types of stretching exercise along with proper sleep and balanced diet. Are you willing to do these things? If you aspire to be taller, then you should be. Reality check: it really pays to be tall.

Want to grow taller? Check out super growth


This blog offers useful ways which will naturally help you grow taller and faster within few months. Noticeable changes in posture and height are seen right from the first month.

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1 Response

  1. Brazil says:

    Boa tarde, gostaria de saber se realmente funciona, e como seria a aplicação Super-Growth , qual o valor para enviar para o brasil ? quanto tempo tem que usar para ter resultados? qual a dosagem diaria ?

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