Statement from Super-Growth Company :
In these times it has become easier for products to be counterfeited. These fake products do not represent Super-Growth’s high standards for ingredients, materials or safety. We are in no way affiliated with these products and cannot guarantee your safety if you choose to purchase and use any counterfeit product not obtained from or We do aggressively pursue counterfeit product and pursues legal action against unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers to prevent these products from making it to the market.
SITES KNOWN TO HAVE USERS SELLING COUNTERFEIT PRODUCTS : AMAZON ( user id : amazonmarket and deepgreenproducts ), EBAY user id : atakakaraant0,
We don’t have a store in ebay or AMAZON , we have not any supplier in Taiwan or Turkey. Another counterfeit product seller is on in Turkey. If you have already bought a product through AMAZON, Ebay, Taiwan stores or , please contact us for further help. PLEASE PURCHASE ONLY FROM AUTHORIZED websites as purchasing on-line from unknown parties offering cheaper counterfeit product can lead to failure and injury from unsafe product. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFO.
Super-Growth original , real product is sold at and there is another company use Super-Growth name and Super-Growth original customer photos. Don’t buy it. The fake company is located in Vietnam. Here is the comparision :
Genuine Super-Growth Height Enhancer Products
Thank you for the info. I have just ordered from
How can I place an order and be sure of getting it. Am not safe with the idea of advance payment. I am in Nigeria